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“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8

In Greek, the word ‘Sozo’ means saved, which means delivering, protecting, restoring, rescuing and bringing into divine safety. 
To be saved by God means that he is rescuing and protecting the individual from dire predicaments, which are threats to life, by restoring them to safety from dangers. God’s saving activities are acts of grace, which in the Greek language is ‘charis’, meaning to show favour, provide a gift, or act with kindness. The recipient of God's compassion does not receive the benefits of grace because of any notable achievements or good deeds on their part; grace is a favour that is shown to humanity when it is not deserved. The richness of God’s saving work is that God chooses to save regardless of whether the individual merits it Eph 2:8. 

Salvation is by Grace: About
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