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Welcome to Ecclesia Ministries!

We are a Church Community, where I currently serve as the Pastor.  My call to ministry came in 1993 when I became the Pastor of a local Church in Romford, East London.  Ecclesia Ministries was founded in 1994, and since that time, we have established Church Services in South East London.

My passion in ministry is to see people commit their lives to Christ, as I am enthusiastic about evangelism and witnessing lives converted and transformed for Christ.  Through God’s grace, I serve in teaching, preaching and prayer to nurture and guide people towards understanding the importance of the saving work of Jesus Christ, which has produced wonderful results in many lives. 

To undertake the work involved in Pastoral Ministry, I obtained a Biblical Studies certificate in 2002 through Trinity College of the Bible Newburgh, Indiana, America. In 2008 I also completed a degree in Criminal Justice and a Diploma in Probation Studies from the University of Hertfordshire, England. I also studied biblical electives in Hermeneutics, Biblical History, Doctrine of the Bible New Testament Theology, The New Testament Use of the Old Testament and Poetic Wisdom Writings, Old Testament Backgrounds, Poetic and Wisdom Writings at Masters Level.  

I currently serve alongside a Deacon, Deaconess, Ministers, Evangelists and many gifted and talented Brothers and Sisters in Christ to ensure that the visitors at Ecclesia experience the many gracious benefits of God.  

God richly bless you! 

Pastor Sean Roye 

Greeting From Pastor Roye: About
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